Name of company
Ancient Egypt for Children
Registered office
Contact details
CRB/DBS certified company
Once a form is received and a booking confirmed Terms and conditions apply to the completed form.
If a cancellation is made I will first try to fill this date at no cost to the school. If this cannot be done then a cancellation fee of £100.00 is applied to the booking.
All efforts on behalf of AEFC will be made to avoid this charge.
should a booking be cancelled at short notice then the charge will apply.
I am happy that schools are going to return in September,
As a visitor to the school I need to ensure the safety of the Children, Teachers and Myself.
So I have written a programme which will cover all areas.
1PPE, and Health and Safety
I shall where needed use a suitable face protection clear face guard or Mask if required by the school IN THE EVENT OF A PANDEMIC OUTBREAK.
I shall be using hand protection both sanitizer and gloves as required by the school.
Contact with the children will be keep to a minimum and I will follow all Health and Safety regulations within the school as set by your safeguarding team.
The aim is to give the children the learning whilst remaining safe at all times.
The Day
Most bookings I take are for either 30,60,90,120 plus children, and where possible they are single year groups the government have given the school guidelines which I want to follow, where there are mixed year groups schools will decide how best to proceed on a workshop daY
I cannot split the day when there are 2 different year groups of over 90 to 120 children, as my days are comprehensive and the learning process is a whole day event, So, schools are booking 2 separate days for this where numbers are large and year groups are different, I am where possible trying to lower the day cost when this occurs to help the school as much as possible.
30 to 60+ children are easily manageable as hall sizes are quite large, we can cater for this by having both in the hall and were needed separate the space between the classes and as they will be sitting and not running around this will keep the social distancing required. They will of course be separated for the class work.
This number can also work where you have year ¾ mixed as space in the hall will allow this to social distance.
Classrooms, children will remain in their own class and this will allow the Math’s and Language learning.
The activity section are 3 parts
1 Dancing
With 30-60 plus we can manage this in the hall with no real problems as there is the space.
2 Mummy wrapping
Schools will decide with me the best way to carry this out on the day, as this is a wonderful activity for them to interact with each other in there bubbles, as long as the year groups are the same year this should be not a problem.
3 Artefacts
This is important that children can handle these amazing objects, they are ancient and fragile but they allow children to touch and handle history. I have a provision to place these in a display so schools who do not want them handled will be able to at least view them, but I shall be cleaning with a special solution after each school has handled them, this way we can avoid any contamination although with these the possibility is very low.
The risk assessment in all these are very low and I have had no reason to apply any restrictions other than that which the school wishes to change.
You may be a regular client of mine or maybe this is the first time you have booked a day with MR EGYPT, I will maintain the same high standard of teaching to your children and of course let them have a fun day with the emphasis on learning a very important subject about which I as teacher I am so proud, privileged and humble to be part of your school learning topic.
If you have any special needs and request, I am here to adapt and help in any way possible to allow
your school a perfect day.
In closing it has been a very difficult time for us all especially as this is my life and livelihood and I so much appreciate your confidence in me and my special days, I look forward to coming to visit you.
Kindest Regards