This presentation contains elements from all the facets of ancient egypt, it is the most popular one as a start for the Pupils.
It covers the following
Geography - (where is Egypt what countries border it).
The River Nile ( its importance to life of the ancient egyptians).
Time periods(understanding of 3000 years of culture, Impact on other cultures and comparisions).
Living Life in Ancient Egypt ( children growing up, what their parents did, how it was
different from today, and how some things are still the same).
Gods and Goddesses (their beliefs and how it impacted on their lives, amulets and there uses).
Language (how they used Hieroglyphic symbol based language, writing,
papyrus, tools, how they produced ink and colours) writing heiroglyphics.
Basic Egyptian Maths (symbol based maths, with good cross over to addition, subtraction and multiplication).
Pyramids ( how they built them and why, size, tools, and people).
Valley of the Kings ( important for the greatestdiscoveries in the modern world).
Great Pharaohs ( who were they, how they ruled,fun times).
Treasures ( what they found, Cairo Museum, antiquities).
Unusual Stories,Objects and REAL Artefacts, Music,
Included in the full day presentation but partly done during the half day.